How to Cope with Muscle and Joint Pain Due to COVID-19

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The typical symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath. A few people may also experience body aches, sore throat, fatigue, and loss of taste or smell. The long covid symptoms can range from mild to severe, and some individuals may not have any symptoms. It is important to note that other illnesses can also cause these symptoms. That is why a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 can only be confirmed with a PCR test.

Limited Research on COVID-19

Limited research on COVID-19 and its effects on the human body is available. Since the virus was first identified in late 2019, scientists and medical professionals have worked tirelessly to learn more about how it spreads and develop effective treatments and vaccines.

One area of limited research is the long-term effects of COVID-19 on those who have recovered from the virus. While some studies have shown that many people experience lingering symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, the long-term impacts of the virus on overall health and well-being are not yet understood.

Another area of limited research is the effectiveness of treatments for COVID-19. While some treatments, such as antiviral drugs and steroids, are effective in certain cases, studies are still going on about the most effective ways to treat the virus.

Moreover, the research on COVID-19 and children is also limited. Children generally have mild symptoms and are less likely to get seriously ill from COVID-19. However, more research is required on the long-term effects of the virus on children’s health.

Scientists and medical professionals have made significant progress in understanding and responding to COVID-19. However, much is still unknown about the virus and its effects on the human body. Continued research is crucial to understanding and addressing the ongoing pandemic fully.

When To Consult a Doctor?

Muscular discomfort, frequently induced by muscle inflammation (myositis), is a typical sign of viral infections. Doctors often have difficulty discriminating between virus-induced muscle pain and exercise-induced muscle pain.

So, if an individual has muscular and joint discomfort after exposure to COVID-19, it is time to consult the doctor. The case becomes more significant if the person has other typical COVID symptoms, such as fever, cough, and exhaustion.

In such situations, the healthcare practitioner would recommend the patient to a physical therapist. The first examination will last approximately an hour. The therapist will get to know the patient’s medical record, determine what is affecting the person’s health, and build a treatment plan. Patients may also get referred to behavioral or mental health therapies because of the psychological impact of their COVID-19 experience.

People who have had bad experiences with COVID, including those who spent a long time battling it in the hospital, may have various psychiatric symptoms. Such symptoms may heighten their perception of pain in their physical bodies.

Time to Act!

Muscle and joint pain can be an obstacle in daily activities and create mental anguish over time. That is why it is critical to adopt pain management techniques. Exercise can be beneficial for joint and muscular problems as it can help to strengthen the muscles and joints, increase flexibility, and improve overall mobility. Regular exercise can also reduce pain and inflammation and improve overall physical function.

Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting, can help build muscle strength, supporting and protecting the joints. Aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling, and swimming can also help improve cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation in the body. The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a scale used to measure the intensity of physical activity or exercise.

The Borg RPE scale ranges from 6 to 20, with 6 being “no exertion at all” and 20 being “maximal exertion.” The scale is based on the individual’s perception of how hard they are working rather than on objective measures such as heart rate or oxygen consumption. The scale is often used in research studies and clinical and fitness settings to assess exercise intensity. It can also help people monitor their exercise intensity and gradually increase it over time.

While exercise can be a powerful tool in managing joint and muscular problems, it should be incorporated as a part of a comprehensive treatment plan under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Summing Up

Muscle and joint pain is a probable sign of COVID-19. However, it may happen because of various other underlying health factors. Individuals must pay special attention to other signs and symptoms to evaluate if COVID-19 is causing muscular discomfort. However, the best way to ascertain such conditions is a PCR test.

Muscle soreness is treatable with over-the-counter pain relievers. However, the patient may require other therapies at times. The most convenient way is to consult a doctor immediately if the muscular discomfort worsens or persists for a long time.