What Is Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome ?

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SARS-CoV-2, a highly dangerous coronavirus, suddenly appeared in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic was brought on by a novel virus that caused severe pneumonia and continued to spread rapidly worldwide. 

Even a slight COVID-19 infection can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as crippling migraines, excessive weariness, and body aches that make it tough to find relief. Recent studies found that a portion of people who have recovered from COVID-19 will continue to experience symptoms long after testing negative for the virus. Let us address some common questions about PACS (Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome).

What is Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome?

A multisystem condition called post-acute COVID-19 syndrome commonly impacts the haematological, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. The neuropsychiatric, renal, and endocrine systems are also engaged, but to a lesser extent. Experts are looking for explanations for the illness. The people who experience these lingering symptoms are often referred to as COVID long-haulers.

Know the symptoms

Post-COVID syndrome can present with a variety of symptoms, just like COVID-19 itself might. The gastrointestinal, respiratory, neurological, dermatological, and cardiovascular systems were among those affected the most. Here are the most typical signs and symptoms that may linger.

  • Fatigue
  • Having trouble breathing
  • aching joints
  • chest pain
  • Brain fog, including difficulty focusing and memory loss
  • loss of smell or taste
  • sleep problems

However, it has been reported that people have experienced more than 200 symptoms. That is quite a long list. Therefore, additional symptoms that patients or people may suffer include-speech difficulties, muscle aches, and fever, to name a few.

Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome and mental health.

The adverse effects of COVID go beyond physical problems. PACS may exacerbate your symptoms if you already have a mental health issue, such as anxiety or depression. Any organ, including your brain, can be impacted by COVID-19-induced inflammation. According to a study, this inflammation may contribute to mental health problems like suicidal ideation and depression. The potential benefits of anti-inflammatory medications for these specific problems are currently unknown to experts.

What happens during Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome?

People with PASC deal with the long-term effects of COVID-19, which cause symptoms to last for weeks or months after they first appear. However, according to several researchers, chronic COVID-19 lasts longer than 12 weeks, while PASC can last longer than three weeks from the commencement of symptoms. The period is expanding, according to research published in JAMA, and since COVID-19 has only been around for 14 months and its long-term effects are just now becoming known, we should expect it to continue.

PACS- an after-effect Of Covid-19?

About 10% of individuals with the SARS-CoV-2 virus remain ill for months after testing positive. The statistics can fluctuate depending on the denominator populations-patients admitted to hospitals or those who visited specialised clinics. Only 65% of people reach their prior health level after contracting the infection.

How long does it last?

We still do not fully comprehend the duration or how long this ailment lasts. The illness is said to last three months. However, some have said it could endure up to six months or even nine months. But as you are aware, the pandemic lasted for roughly 1.5 years. More research is required to study people who acquire post-COVID-19 conditions or protracted COVID and determine when their symptoms will go away.

Why do only some people experience PACS?

Everyone has varied bodily functions and immunity. Why some people’s recovery takes longer than others is unknown. There may be, 

  • involvement from deconditioning
  • relapse or reinfection
  • inflammatory and other immunological reactions
  • poor or missing antibody response
  • persistent viraemia
  • post-traumatic stress disorder 

SARS and MERS are two more coronaviruses connected to long-term respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuropsychiatric sequelae comparable in pathophysiology to post-acute covid-19.

Post-Acute Covid-19 Syndrome: A threat that can linger for a long time.

Persistent PACS symptoms have a detrimental effect on social engagement, physical and cognitive function, and health-related quality of life. The two main causes of symptom aggravation are physical exertion and dehydration. 63% of patients had a diagnosis of moderate cognitive impairment when they discovered they might be suffering from PACS.

Preparation and prevention are the key.

There is still much to learn about the effects of immunisation and the condition following COVID-19. However, it is abundantly evident that the only method to stop the emergence of post-COVID-19 conditions or extended COVID is to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19. We thus recommend that everyone eligible get immunisations because doing so lowers death and hospitalisation rates. To avoid COVID-19, public health interventions recommend appropriate mask use, physical separation, and washing hands at regular intervals.

Bottom line

Many individuals with chronic Post-Acute Covid-19 syndrome heal on their own, without the help of specialists, by using a comprehensive and timed strategy based on the scant available evidence. Interprofessional, community-focused rehabilitation services that value patient autonomy, peer support, and video and other remote technology can accomplish a lot.

Long Covid Clinic is dedicated to assisting you in reintegrating into society and returning to living a healthy and happy life, whether you have difficulty with your daily tasks, have successfully returned to work, or are just looking for social support.